You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 2.3.2. File - GL Accounts > Adding a New GL Account

Adding a New GL Account

To add a GL account to the GL Accounts master file:

  1. Open the Account File Update screen.

Refer to "Accessing the GL Accounts Master File".

  1. Select FILE | NEW.

Micronet displays the Account File Update screen in Add Mode.

  1. Enter the account details on the following tabs:
  1. Select FILE | SAVE.

If you have setup a GL template, and if the account does not exist in the template, Micronet prompts you to add it to the template.

  1. Select the Yes button to add the account to the GL template.

Micronet displays the GL template so you can add the new account.



For more details, refer to "Adding a New Template".